
"Restoration" Values.

Those who established the Durango church of Christ years ago were part of the American Restoration Movement.  This is a back-to-the-Bible movement that continues to inspire many people to learn to be simply Christians. Below are 5 core values that guide our practice today.

1. Restoration

Restoration is the sense that something is wrong and needs to be corrected. We look to God who brings restoration through the way and word of Jesus.

2. Reading

God promised to "write my law on their hearts." This is why the Bible is  so much more than just a source book for Christian religion. God fulfills that promise in Bible readers who want to know the truth. Reading the Bible is the first step in being restored by God.

3. Repentance

Repentance is the habit of being conformed to the way of Jesus according to the Bible. This is the contribution human souls make to God’s work of restoration.

4. Righteousness

Righteousness is the result of God’s work of restoration. As we follow Jesus God sees us as already restored, even though we have much to learn. What we are learning is the righteousness of the way of Jesus.

5. Rejoicing

Rejoicing is the natural response of the soul to God’s kindness in restoring us through learning the way of Jesus.  Even in difficult experiences such as losing loved ones, this joy is the strength of soul we need. Also, this is why we meet every Sunday morning. To express this joy to God together in various activities of worship.