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We gather together three times each week to encourage each other and to study the Bible together. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings we gather casually for Bible study and discussion. On Sunday mornings at 10:20 we gather for a special time of worship. See below for more details.
It would be our honor to have you with us anytime!

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am and 10:20 am

Wednesday Evenings

7:00 pm

What To Expect

We gather Sunday morning and Wednesday evening for Bible study and discussion. These times are informal and relaxed as we read from the Bible and listen carefully to what it means for how we live today.
On Sunday mornings we gather to focus our hearts and minds on the goodness and love of God. We sing hymns that express praise to God and encouragement to each other. Since ancient Christians used only their voices to sing hymns to God we imitate their practice. In the course of the worship time, we offer prayers together at various times. Each week, believers who have been baptized share a memorial ceremony representing Jesus's sacrifice for our sins. A significant part of our time together is spent considering a message from the Bible presented by the preacher.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.